When you delete your account, your Profile,your documents in the store, your reviews, will be permanently removed.Your shared documents will be kept in Docsity with no reference to your name or your profile.
10 after your request to delete your account (which is confirmed a second time by inserting your docsity password in the account deletion process), the deletion of your data is irreversible.
What gets deleted and what does not?
All the documents in Store, your reviews, your comments to questions, your favorite documents, the messages in the inbox, the profile, the exchanges with other users will be deleted.
Some information is made no longer referable to you, in an irreversible way (in the sense that we will no longer be able to trace it back to you). For instance, your email address will be overwritten with the standard expression ("anonymized email"), by doing so it will be impossible to trace your identity.
Some of your data cannot be deleted permanently, for instance all the information regarding billing, they will be kept according to point G of our privacy information.
Can I reactivate my account once it has been deleted?
It is possible to reactivate your account only within ten days from its deletion by contacting us via this form.
Do you have any further questions?
If you want more information about this procedure, feel free to contact us, dropping us an email at our Data Protection Officer: dpo @ docsity.com (remove spaces :) ).
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